Daya Ventures is a global community with innovation hubs that provide startups with essential resources, expert insights, and strategic support. By fostering collaboration and connecting startups with a diverse range of experts and investors, Daya can make a significant difference globally.

Daya Hubs

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Collaborations & Partnerships

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Our programs support startups with prototype development, investment readiness, team recruitment, market analysis, and strategic guidance. Whether you’re looking to partner, invest, or bring your ideas to life, we provide the expertise and resources needed to succeed. Let's innovate together and make a meaningful impact.

Innovation Lab

Ready to innovate with us? Contact

The Daya Innovation Lab is a dynamic venture creation hub dedicated to advancing women's health. We provide extensive support, including market analysis, investment readiness, and automatic enrolment in our accelerator program, continuing post-launch with equity stakes and strategic guidance. Join us to turn your vision into reality.


Ready to accelerate your femtech startup? Contact

The Daya Accelerator is a dynamic 9-month program offering personalized mentoring, bi-weekly coaching, and tailored professional guidance. Focused on women's health and backed by a global community, we empower startups to create impactful femtech solutions.

Daya Agency

Ready to refine your femtech investment strategy? Contact

Partner with us for specialized consultancy services that connect you with exceptional femtech investment opportunities. We offer strategic insights, advanced market intelligence, and targeted due diligence to ensure informed and secure investment decisions.